Monday, October 09, 2006

Vivek B, Kandimalla

Dr. Vivek Babu Kandimalla, MBA, M.Sc., PhD
General Manager
Process Development , R&D,
Biological E Ltd, Genome Valley
Shamirpet-78, Hyderabad, AP, India
Mobile +91 9959836936

PhD. Biotechnology -Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Andhra Univ. India
MSc. Biotechnology - Centre for Biotechnology, Nagarjuna Univ., India
MBA. Marketing    - Acharya Nagarjuna Univ. India
BSc. Biology - Hindu College, Guntur, India

Research Experience
MSc Dissertation
: Regional Research Laboratories (RRL, CSIR) Trivandrum, India,
Asst. Manager : KREBS Biochemicals, Khasimkota, India,
Research Assistant : Central Food Technological Research Inst. (CFTRI, CSIR), India,
Postdoctoral Fellow: Department of Chemsity, Nanjing Univerisity, China,
Postdoctoral Research Scientist : Veterinary Research Institute, Czech Republic,
Papers Published
1. Anupama PM, Kandimalla VB and Ayyanna C, Effect of EDTA, Potassium Ferrocyanide and Sodium potassium Tartarate on proudction of ethanol from Jaggery using Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pollution Research, 27, 121-123, 2008
2. Kandimalla VB and Vijay Shyam Tripathi, Huangxian Ju, Biosensors based on immobilization of biomolecules in sol-gel matrices Electrochemical Sensors, Biosensors and their Biomedical applications (Elsevier Book) Pages 503-529, 2008.
3. Huangxian Ju and Kandimalla VB, Biosensors for pesticidesElectrochemical Sensors, Biosensors and their Biomedical Applications (Elsevier Book) Pages 31-56, 2008.
4. Srirama Murthy K and Kandimalla VB Biochemical and Nutritional assessment of Rhynchosia hirta (Andr.) Meikle and Verde, African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2, 433-439, 2007.
5. Kandimalla VB, Kandimalla N, Hruska K, Franek M. Detection of sulfamethazine in water, milk and pig manure by dipstick immunoassay. Veterinarni Medicina 52, 2007, 445-450.
6. Kandimalla VB, Kandimalla N, Franek M. Bio-receptor based methods (bio-assays) for food and clinical analysis. Bioprospect, 3-4, , 15-18, 2006.
7. Mary Anupama P, and Kandimalla VB, Sapindus trifoliatus-A Novel phenol adsorbent source for effluent treatment, 8, 571-575, 2006.
8. Kandimalla VB, Tripathi VS, and Ju HX. A conductive ormosil encapsulated with ferrocene conjugate and multiwall carbon nanotubes for biosensing application. Biomaterials 27 (7), 1167-1174, 2006.
9. Kandimalla VB and Ju HX. Binding of Acetylcholinesterase to Multiwall Carbon Nanotube-Cross-linked Chitosan Composite for Flow-Injection Amperometric Detection of Organophosphorous Insecticide. Chemistry A European journal 12, 1074-1080, 2006.
10. Tripathi VS, Kandimalla VB and Ju HX Amperometric biosensor for hydrogen peroxide based on ferrocene-bovine serum albumin and multiwall carbon nanotube modified Ormosil composite. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 21 (8), 1529-1535, 2006.
11. Tripathi VS, Kandimalla VB and Ju HX. Preparation of ormosil and its applications in the immobilizing biomolecules, Sensors and Actuators B, 114,1071-1082, 2006.
12. Chouhan RS, Kandimalla VB, Kumar MA, Neeta NS, Thakur MS, Amitha Rani BE, Akmal Pasha, Karanth NGK, Karanth NG, Detection of methyl parathion using immuno-chemiluminescence based image analysis using charge coupled device. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 21, (7), 1264-1271, 2006.
13. Kandimalla VB, Tripathi VS and Huangxian Ju. Immobilization of Biomolecules in Sol-Gels: Biological and Analytical Applications. Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 36 (2): 73-106, 2006.
14. Kandimalla VB, Huangxian Ju. New horizons with a multi dimensional tool for applications in analytical chemistry – Aptamer. Analytical Letters, 37, 2215–2233, 2004.
15. Kandimalla VB, Neeta NS, Karanth NG, Thakur MS, Roshni KR, Amita Rani BE, Pasha A and Karanth NGK. Regeneration of ethyl parathion antibodies for repeated use in immunosensor: A study on dissociation of antigens form antibodies. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 20, 902-905, 2004.
16. Kandimalla VB, Huangxian Ju. Molecular imprinting – A dynamic technique for multifarious applications in analytical chemistry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 380, 587-605, 2004.
17. Kandimalla VB, Rao KRSS and Ayyanna C. Immobilized whole cell systems for antibiotic production. Asian J. Microbiology Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences, 6, 741-751, 2004.
18. Kandimalla VB and Ayyanna C. Non-medical uses of antibiotics, IDMA Bulletin, 30, 929-939,1999.

Kandimalla VB, Jin Chen and Ju HX. A method for concentration detection of organophosphorus insecticide, Submitted in Feb2005, Ref No: 20051000380590 (China) 2004.
Purified capsular polysaccharides of Streptococcus pneumoniae, WO 2020/058963 A1
Method for separation of protein and other impurities from microbial capsular polysaccharides, WO 2016/174683 A1 and US2018/0155453A1

Book Chemical sensors, biosensors and their biomedical applications, (Elsevier Publications San Diego, CA) Eds X. Zhang, HX Ju, J. Wang.
Chapter 1: Kandimalla VB, Tripathi VS, and Ju HX, Biosensors based on sol-gel .
Chapter 2: Ju HX and Kandimalla VB, Pesticide Biosensors.
Papers presented in Conferences / Symposiums
The following papers presented in CHEMCON-98, 51st Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Dec-16-19, 1998
1. Streptomycin production by immobilized cells of “Streptomyces griseus” .
2. Production of Pectinases from Tobacco leaf powder by Solid State Fermentation using “Aspergillus foetidues” .
3. Comparative study on the influence of Alginate concentration and gelling conditions on diffusion and mechanical strength of Barium and Calcium Alginate gel beads.
4. A New Phenol Adsorbent for effluent treatment. The following papers presented in National Seminar on Environmental Problems and Perspectives, Visakhapatnam, India. June 4th to 5th, 2001.
5. Immobilization of monospecific ethyl parathion antibodies using APTES for immunosensor applications. Presented in 71st annual meeting of biological chemists (India), held at Ludhiana, India. Nov, 14-16, 2002 .
6. Detection of Ethyl parathion using immobilized antibody based immunosensor, National Seminar on Environmental Biotechnology, Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar, Dec, 21-23, 2002.
The following papers presented in International Workshop on Biosensors, CFTRI, Mysore, India. August 11-13 2003 .
7. Affinity purification of polyclonal antibodies for application in ELISA for detection of OP pesticides.
8. Stabilization of HRP-Methyl parathion conjugates fir immunosensor applications.
9. Studies on dissociation of antigens from antibodies for immunosensor applications.
10. Luminescence based immunosensor techniques for pesticide detection.
11. Flow injection analysis for analysis of pesticides using immunosensors.
12. Amperometric flow-Injection detection of organophosphorus insecticide. Beijing conference and exhibition on instrumental analysis, October 20-23, 2005, Beijing, China.

Summer School / Workshop
1. Attended for a summer school on “Fluorescence and Biomolecules” Institute of physical and Theoricical Chemistry, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, Sep 24-27, 2006.
2. Attended for a workshop on the four CARE-MAN detection systems took place at the IPM in Freiburg, Germany on March 29-30, 2007. 
3. Vaccines Bioprocess Development and commercialization Workshop, MIT, USA: 2018

My family

Wife :            Nagamani
Son:              Sai Abhiram
Daughter :    Ancika
Updated on 03July, 2021


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